health benefits of ugu

Health benefits of pumpkin leaf (ugu)

In this article, we will provide you with the most important health benefits of Fluted pumpkin (ugu) that you need to know

About fluted pumpkin leaf (ugu)

Fluted pumpkin, generally known as Telfairia occidentalis. it is a dark green leafy vegetable which is identified by different names around the world. Some call it fluted pumpkin, fluted gourd, etc.

In Nigeria, the fluted pumpkin is indigenous to the southern part of Nigeria, and is known by different names. The Igbo’s call it Ugu, it is called Ikong-ubong by Efik and ibibio, It is called sokoyokoto in Yoruba language, and kabewa by the Hausa’s, For the purpose of this article I will continue to refer to it as Ugu or fluted pumpkin.

Ugu is mainly grown in West Africa for its edible leaves and seeds. The leaf is used mainly for soups, portages, sauce and herbal medicine.

The seeds are considered a balanced diet as it contains almost all the nutrients required daily by humans. It is high in protein and fat. Ugu is predominant to the Igbo ethnic group and they cultivate the Ugu leaves and seeds to serve as a source of food and medicine.

The Ugu fruit itself is not edible. In the Igbo folks, fluted pumpkin is known to have healing properties as it was mostly used as a blood tonic. The Ugu juice is usually administered to the weak or sick people who are suspected to lack blood or to those who have a deep cut on the body and are expected to have lost a lot of blood.

Fluted pumpkin is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, and manganese, it also contains a good amount of vitamin A, B2, C and E, folate, and Flavonoids. Ugu is also rich in dietary fibre, minerals, phosphorus,, protein and riboflavin.

Where are Ugu / fluted pumpkins grown?

Ugu leaves are mainly grown in the southern part of Nigeria and are used mainly for soups and other local foods. Ugu is mostly homegrown, they can be found in gardens.

Fluted pumpkin is also grown in other West African countries such as Sierra Leona, Ghana and others. Why is fluted pumpkin /Ugu grown or cultivated? Fluted pumpkin is cultivated for its edible leaves and seeds.

health benefits of ugu

Health benefits of Fluted pumpkin (Ugu)

Considering the nutritious richness of fluted pumpkins, I believe you will agree with me that it has a lot of health benefits. Now let’s take a peep into the very many health benefits of fluted pumpkin.

1. Improves blood production

Traditional, fluted pumpkin leaves are known for their ability to boost blood in the body. The leaves are usually recommended to those who are suffering from a shortage of blood.

Ugu leaves are embodied with nutrients such as iron and minerals necessary for boosting blood and preventing anaemia in the body. It is safe to say that fluted pumpkin leaves are effective in boosting the production of red blood cells in the body.

I can remember vividly when I was younger, my mum always give us the Ugu juice to take after sickness as a blood booster and also for our general well being.

The juice is extracted by squeezing the washed Ugu leaves with a little amount of water, sometimes she adds liquid milk to the juice. I will say that this method is very effective as it works for my family.

2. Promotes fertility

Locally, the leaves of fluted pumpkins are used in the treatment of infertility issues in both males and females. The many nutrients present in fluted pumpkin leaves are proven to be effective in boosting fertility in women by improving the quality of eggs, it also helps during pregnancy and postnatal recovery. In men, its use tends to boost sperm count and improve the overall health of the testicles.

3. A good source of dietary fibre

Fluted pumpkin is a good source of dietary fibre. Fibre plays an important role in the maintenance of a good and healthy digestive system. This essential role played by fibre helps in reducing health conditions such as constipation, and irritable bowel movements. It also helps to minimize indigestion problems caused by ulcers and gastro disorders.

Intake of fibre should be on a daily basis and considering the fact that fluted pumpkin is a fibre-rich vegetable, it should therefore be consumed daily.

4. Rich in antioxidants

one of the health benefits of fluted pumpkins may be associated with the presence of antioxidants which can be found in fluted pumpkins.

Foods rich in Antioxidants are proven to be effective in the prevention and management of cancer. Foods rich in Antioxidants may also prevent and relieves damages that could be caused to the body by oxidative stress.

Inflammation and oxidative stress are one of the causes of cancer and other health-related issues.

The seeds and leaves of fluted pumpkin are known to be rich in tannins, hydrocyanic, Flavonoids, resins, alkaloids, etc, which are powerful antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory benefits and their ability to boost the immune system.

5. Improves teeth and bones

Calcium is generally known to be responsible for the growth and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. Fluted pumpkin leaves contain a large amount of this calcium which the body needs in maintaining a good, healthy and well functioning skeletal system.

Ugu contains magnesium which aids the absorption of calcium by the bones and teeth. In the absence of magnesium, calcium cannot be absorbed and as such remains useless. The presence of magnesium in the body means firmer teeth and bones.

Fluted pumpkin leaves also contain potassium. The primary role of potassium here is to maintain the mineral density in the skeletal system.

Potassium also ensures that the calcium present in the bones and teeth is preserved by preventing the leaching of the minerals in the bone.

All the three minerals mentioned above, namely calcium, potassium and magnesium work together to prevent osteoporosis which at old age tends to affect the bones.

6. Aids weights loss

Weight loss and weight gain are the trending issues in the world today. Some want to add while some want to lose weight.

Are you looking for a way to shade some weight? It may interest you to know that the consumption of fluted pumpkin leaves can help you on your weight loss journey.

Ugu is a vegetable that contains a very high quantity of dietary fibre. When consumed, dietary fibre gives one that feeling of fullness and at the same time helps to curb one’s appetite for food. This reduction in appetite helps one to consume lesser food which equals weight loss.

There is a very low chance that one will store up calories consuming ugu vegetable, as it contains little or no calories. So fire on and eat as much as you want to because ugu vegetable tends to make one satisfied without adding to one’s weight, rather it allows the body to use up saved calories (energy) in the body, and this, in turn, results in weight loss.

You can quickly check out our article on the health benefits of onions, and that of  bitter leaf



This information does not in any way replace that of a health professional. Be reminded to always consult with your doctor about any medical concerns, issues, conditions and supplements that you may be taking. Always consider the advice of a medical practitioner on the treatment of any health issue you may experience.



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